Alphabetical List

Viburnum sargentii onondaga (CAPRIFOLIACEAE)

Sargent Viburnum onondaga

Sargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondaga
Sargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondagaSargent Viburnum onondaga

Sipariş Formu

  1. Container
  2. Rootball
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Container 20-40cm
Container 40-60cm
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Rootball 20-40cm
Rootball 40-60cm
  1. Like (1)


Viburnum, evergreen and deciduous, has about 175 species. They are widely distributed on tropical highlands of South America and Southeast Asia. The leaves may be simple with fully dentate or serrated. Some species have strong flowers with nice fragrance. The flowers may be pink or white. The fruits may be red, purple, blue, black and ovate, and simple with hard seeds. They like temperate climates, and grow well in sunny or partial shade areas. They endure pruning, and can be planted for hedging.

Viburnum, sargentii, onondaga, Калина Саржента Онондага, Büyüleyici, kartopu, Pelerinli, Sargent, Kartopu, رباطية, nerede yetişir, bitki satışı

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