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Tilia tomentosa triangular shaped form (Tilia argentea) (TILIACEAE)

Silver Linden triangular shaped form

Silver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped form
Silver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped formSilver Linden triangular shaped form

Sipariş Formu

  1. Container
  2. Rootball
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Container Q14-16cm
Container Q16-18cm
Container Q18-20cm
Container Q20-25cm
Container Q25-30cm
Container Q30-35cm
Container Q35-40cm
Container Q40-45cm
Container Q45-50cm
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Rootball Q14-16cm
Rootball Q16-18cm
Rootball Q18-20cm
Rootball Q20-25cm
Rootball Q25-30cm
Rootball Q30-35cm
Rootball Q35-40cm
Rootball Q40-45cm
Rootball Q45-50cm
  1. Like (0)


They may reach up to 20-30 m. The leaves vary 5-10 cm across and are generally heart-shaped, dentate with long petiole. Overhanging flower panicles are in yellow and have a distinct scent. They blossom in June-July. They tolerate urban conditions. There are some species resistant to temperate and cold climates. They grow well in sunny areas or in partial shade.

Tilia, tomentosa, tige, triangular, shaped, form, argentea, Липа пушистая, Gümüşi, yapraklı, üçgen, formlu , Kokulu, ıhlamur, Silver, Linden, زيزفون لبدي, bitki satışı, nerede yetişir, fidan satışı, ağaç satışı, türkiye, süs bitkileri

Places where the plant can live in our country

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