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Grevillea rosmarinifolia (PROTEACEAE)

Rosemary Grevillea

Rosemary GrevilleaRosemary Grevillea

Sipariş Formu

  1. Container
  2. Rootball
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Container 20-40cm
Container 40-60cm
Container 60-80cm
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Rootball 20-40cm
Rootball 40-60cm
Rootball 60-80cm
  1. Like (0)


Africa is its natural habitat. They are evergreen and grow very fast. The leaves are needle-like, stinging. They like sunny, temperate and humid places. They are very resistant to sea water, and prefer acidic or neutral soils. They are planted as ornamental tree on the coastal strip of Mediterranean and Aegean Regions of Turkey

Grevillea, rosmarinifolia, Гревиллея розмаринолистная, Rosemary, Biberiye, Grevilya, غريفيلية, bitki satışı, nerede yetişir

Places where the plant can live in our country

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