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Dracaena fragrans massangeana (Cordyline) (ASPARAGACEAE)

Dracaena, Dragon Tree, Corn Plant, Chinese Moneytree Massangeana

Dracaena fragrans massangeana (Cordyline) (ASPARAGACEAE)
Dracaena fragrans massangeana (Cordyline) (ASPARAGACEAE)

Sipariş Formu

  1. Container
  2. Rootball
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Container 100-125cm
Container 125-150cm
Container 150-175cm
Container 175-200cm
Container 200-250cm
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Rootball 100-125cm
Rootball 125-150cm
Rootball 150-175cm
Rootball 175-200cm
Rootball 200-250cm
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Dracanena belongs to Asparagaceae family and native in Africa and Asia. Likes full sun and grows easly in garden soil. It is unresistent to frost and wind, leaves are sensistive. It can be reproduced by using lateral shoots.

Dracaena, fragrans, massangeana, Cordyline, Ejderha, Драцена душистая, Ağacı,Çin, para, ağacı,Dracaena, Dragon, Tree, Corn, Plant, Chinese, Moneytree, أيدع أريجي, bitki satışı, nerede yetişir

Places where the plant can live in our country

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