Alphabetical List

Dodonaea viscosa purpurea (SAPINDACEAE)

Red Hopbush Purpurea

Red Hopbush 'Purpurea'

Sipariş Formu

  1. Container
  2. Rootball
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Container 20-40cm
Container 40-60cm
Container 60-80cm
Container 80-100cm
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Rootball 20-40cm
Rootball 40-60cm
Rootball 60-80cm
Rootball 80-100cm
  1. Like (0)


Dodonaeas are evergreen plants, native in Australia and generally native in hot temperatures. They have about 60 species, depending on climatic conditions may formed as tree or bush. According to air tempereture leaves goes red colour to purple. Flowers in form of stacks are not too much attractive. Prefers nutrient-rich soils and sun. Sensitive to cold wheather and doesn’t need too much water. Can use as hedge in landcape

Dodonaea, viscosa, purpurea, Додонея клейкая, Red, Hopbush, Dodonya, kırmızı, Dodenya, شث دابق, bitki satışı, nerede yetişir

Places where the plant can live in our country

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