Alphabetical List

Morus alba kagayamae (Morus platanifolia) (MORACEAE)

Fruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberry

Fruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberry
Fruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberryFruit mulberry, Landscape mulberry, Mulberry leaf mulberry

Sipariş Formu

  1. Container
  2. Rootball
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Container Q16-18cm
Container Q18-20cm
Container Q20-25cm
Container Q25-30cm
Container Q30-35cm
Case Length (cm), Diameter (Qcm) Piece #
Rootball Q16-18cm
Rootball Q18-20cm
Rootball Q20-25cm
Rootball Q25-30cm
Rootball Q30-35cm
  1. Like (2)


It is native to China, growing up to 15 m. The stem is cylindrical, erect and thick; bark has vertical grooves and grayish brown. The leaves with petiole are simple or heart-like, dark on upper side and lighter green beneath, with serrated margins, and arranged linear. Fruitless Morus species are preferred in landscaping.

Morus, alba, kagayamae, platanifolia, Meyvesiz, Peyzaj, Шелковица белая, Çınar, yapraklı, dut, Fruit, Landscape, leaf, mulberry, توت, bitki satışı, nerede yetişir, fidan satışı, ağaç satışı, türkiye, süs bitkileri

Places where the plant can live in our country

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